
Times New Viking 2005...2008,2009,2010,2011...2031

オハイオ州コロンバスのvo/gとdrとkeyの3人組のバンド。ローファイ。Merge Recordsに移籍してからの2011年"Dancer Equired"からギターは歪んだまま少しメロディアスに。Beat Happening を連想しました。レコード全部欲しい。

Musicshelf : TIMES NEW VIKING Special Interview
Times New Viking - Gold Soundz
nyctaper : Times New Viking: May 27, 2011 Knitting Factory – FLAC and MP3 Downloads + Streaming Songs
Times New Viking : http://timesnewviking.net/

Amazon.co.jp : Dig Yourself [Analog] (2005)
Paisley Reich (2007)
Rip It Off (Dig) (2008)
Born Again Revisited (2009)
Born Again Revisited [12 inch Analog] (2009)
Dancer Equired (2011)
Dance Equired [12 inch Analog]
iTunes Store : Times New Viking


The Breeders (Pinkpop 1994)

Store Front: The Disappearing Face of New York 商店のファサード


gingko press : Store Front: The Disappearing Face of New York (by James & Karla ...
STORE FRONT: The Disappearing Face of New York - a set on Flickr
James and Karla Murray STORE FRONT

Amazon.co.jp :Store Front: The Disappearing Face of New York
Store Front: The Disappearing Face of New York

Hijacked series オーストラリア 「ハイジャック」 シリーズ写真展

(C)Kehrer Verlag Heidelberg


Hijacked: Volume One (Australia / America) 2008
photo-eye | Magazine -- Hijacked: Volume One
Hijacked: Volume One on the Behance Network

Hijacked: Volume Two (Australia / Germany) 2010-2011
Review: Hijacked Vol. 2, Australia/Germany | eyecurious
Fabio Ongarato Design | Hijacked Volume 2
mga : Hijacked 2: Australia/Germany

Hijacked: Volume Two (Australia / U.K.) 2012
Big City Press: Hijacked 3 - Australia / UK Submissions (FEES)
Hijacked 3 - Perth Festival

“We are at looking to see what is happening now, who is pushing the boundaries of contemporary photography and what are the ideas that are being tested that hint toward the future of photography? Not only in terms of concept but also technique, the field is totally open from the craft skill of wet plate collodion to new media and i-phone apps. The point is how your images communicate.”

Amazon.co.jp : Hijacked: Australia/Germany [ハードカバー]
Hijacked: Australia and America [ハードカバー]